
  • 栃木県佐野市・天明
  • 室町時代(一六世紀)
  • 鉄鋳製
  • H-19.8 D-25.9

富士釜 極 図録解説

Mt. Fuji Kettle

Mt. Fuji Kettle
Like the slopes of the famous peak, the sides of the kettle descend in gentle outward-flowing lines. The mouth rises slightly and the surface around the mouth shows the typically crusty feel of Tenmyo kettles. The lugs are animal faces with deep relief of the eye cavities; even the hairs of the mane below the chin are well articulated. How the kettle looked originally is unknown, but the removal of the body from the waist down resulted in the beautiful curved lines that give the kettle its name. The kettle wall is very thin, only a few millimeters, demonstrating the masterful skill of the Tenmyo caster.